What do we want to do?
- Provide regular opportunities for carers in Nottinghamshire to connect, share information, ideas and have focussed discussions on strategic issues that are important to them.
- Establish links to groups that are important to carers, especially individuals that are not currently represented
- Share key themes from our conversations with organisations so that they can decide if we can look at them together in a co- production project.
- Recognising that when they cannot do this, information that affects their decision is fed back to us to improve our understanding.
- To invite professionals to join us, to listen and have conversations with us, when this is relevant to the group.
- To encourage everyone to share knowledge, so we all understand how different organisations work.
- To support carers to understand co-production and how they can influence change by working alongside professionals as equal partners, so we all consider better ways of delivering services.
- To share information and support carers to get involved with different projects taking place in Nottinghamshire.
- To share information with individuals, carers groups and organisations who want to know about what we are doing.
How will we start to achieve this?
- Regular online meetings from January 2022, which any carer is welcome to attend.
- Every meeting will have a theme with time for a discussion and an open space at the end.
- Discussions and actions taken as a result of meetings will be shared with the group members and distribution lists.
- Work completed on projects outside of the group, with the participation/ input of group members will be fed back to the group at appropriate intervals.
- Carers Space Notts will invite key people from health, social care and other agencies when they need support to understand or discuss a particular topic.
- Staff will be asked to send anything they want to share at the meeting in advance so that carers have time to look at this before the meeting.
- Carers Space Notts representatives will attend one local Carers’ group per month to discuss Carers Space and hear their views on various issues
- Share information with network members about co-production opportunities
- Share information with professionals and service directors about issues that carers feel need changing/developing in co-production
Our key principles for working together
- We will all value and work with peoples’ skills, knowledge, and interests to improve services for carers.
- We will establish, via a two-way conversation with those who provide services, a mutually beneficial growing understanding.
- Through increased co-production carers will help shape future services.
- We will take positive action to let people know what we are doing and encourage the sharing of knowledge.
- We will make sure that any person or group of people that wants to be involved is included.
- We will aim to represent the interest of carers and those they care for by focusing on issues based on multiple cases and trends.
- We will strive to use plain language and other methods of communication that work for people, explaining jargon, and providing translations where possible.
- We will be honest and open in a transparent manner to promote mutual trust
- We will review and reflect on how we do things and change them if we need to.
About us
What is Co-production?
The 'Our Voice' co-production group has chosen the following definition to explain what is meant by the word co-production:
"Co-production is not just a word, it is not just a concept, it is a meeting of minds coming together to find shared solutions. In practice, co-production involves people who use services being consulted, included, and working together from the start to the end of any project that affects them. More information on co-production can be found here. |